Natural Products
Natural products include traditional medicines (TM), therapeutic natural products (TNP), traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) and herbal medicines.
All natural products begin as mixtures – often very complex mixtures – with other compounds from natural sources from which the product of interest must be isolated and purified.
The production of pure TNP involves two main aspects: (1) the actual purification process used for TNP isolation, i.e., the semipreparative-scale analytical method used; (2) the assessment of the purity of the isolated TNP, including the analytical method used for purity assessment.
The ease with which the active agent can be isolated and purified depends on the structure, stability and quantity of the natural product. The methods of isolation and purification applied are distinct but generally involve extraction, precipitation, adsorption, chromatography and sometimes crystallization.
Zeochem offers a wide variety of products particularly suitable for an efficient analytical and preparative isolation and purification of TNP.
- ZEOprep (irregular shape) and ZEObeads (microbeads): excellent phases for Normal-Phase, Reversed-Phase, continuous chromatography and SFC applications. Phases are available in a wide range of pore and particle sizes as well as modifications.
- ZEOsphere (spherical shape): Due to unique product characteristics, this product is particularly suitable for high-end purifications. ZEOsphere products are available in classical Normal- and Reversed-Phase and in ZEOsphere DRP Mixed-Mode for enhanced selectivity (especially for charged compounds). Phases are available in a wide range of pore and particle sizes as well as modifications.
- Reversed Phase Chromatography for Cannabinoid PurificationReversed Phase Chromatography for Cannabinoid Purification
- Purification of Cannabinoids by Preparative HPLC using ZEOsphere Silica GelPurification of Cannabinoids by Preparative HPLC using ZEOsphere Silica Gel
- Prep-scale separation of Delta 9 THC using Zeochem Chromatography Silica gel, be confident in meeting regulatory requirementsPrep-scale separation of Delta 9 THC using Zeochem Chromatography Silica gel, be confident in meeting regulatory requirements